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Affirmation: Delightful or Dangerous?


It's a very interesting concept because it affects us so much more than we think. The concept of the 5 love languages demonstrates how people respond differently to styles of love, and affection.

But with affirmation, it's the one you're faced with every day, whether you like it or not. When you present a piece of work at school, when you dress up for an event, or when you get the answer right in a quiz - it is common for people to pass judgment, whether positive or negative.

The type of response or affirmation can largely depend on your pre-existing relationships: your family and close friends are more likely to be honest even if the affirmation is negative.

An affirmation can be delightful because we feel good when we receive a compliment, given that it activates the reward centre in the brain. Whether it is about our skill/ability/work, it counts. On the other hand, affirmation can be dangerous because people's opinions may confirm what you think of yourself already. For example, if you feel that you are lacking in a skill and someone agrees, even though it is true, it can feel upsetting.

The danger can be that you are constantly subjected to negative affirmation or even overly positive affirmation. An example would be that I am an average singer. If everyone started telling me just how amazing I am, apart from my ego inflating, I may start to consider the truth in this and whether I should have a career in it. I may become so determined to make it as a singer, despite my loved ones knowing my voice is not competition for Adele.

This concept is something that we experience every day but will most likely not pay much attention to. I think some people may assume this is an overanalysed pedantic concept because the average person does not go about their day wondering if the affirmations they receive are on the whole, positive or negative.

I disagree with this view: the more I started thinking about this topic, the more I realised that affirmation is such a CRUCIAL part of our lives. Every day, we go out into the world and are subjected to messages about our place, our worth, and our ability. The relationships we have and the experiences we go through affect our view of social issues. Furthermore, the way we experience affirmations vastly differs; what can be intended as a compliment can be received as an insult. So rightly so, the affirmations we are told go a long way in moulding what we think. And what we think ultimately elects different types of government.

To answer my own question, I think affirmation can be delightful AND dangerous. It really does depend on what the situation is.

What do you think? Are you #TeamDelightful or #TeamDangerous?


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