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Delay Tactics

How do you put up with it, especially when you're trying to get justice?

I have shared my mistreatment experiences and people have been curiously asking for updates. I met with MYC but cannot share yet as I am waiting for some actions.

This whole process has been time-consuming. Even with BYC, I STILL haven't met them to discuss the situation because I didn't receive a response for a month, and the person was off sick for a while. It will be late March/early April by the time I can speak to them and that is not even counting the time that the org will take to speak to their staff and conduct their own opinions.

I do feel like a victim of delay tactics by both orgs because their inability to respond or take my concerns seriously isn't just a string of accidental behaviours but carefully planned. The more that time drags on, the more frustrated I become and the likelihood of me dropping these issues increases.

But that is the last thing I want to do. Yes, I am angry, upset, distressed about this all, but why make it easier for them? Why drop it when it was never my fault to begin with? I have so many questions and so much to clear.

They owe me an explanation at the VERY least and I won't let delay tactics get in the way of answers. I deserve much more and so does every other young person who has suffered mistreatment at the hands of an organisation.

There is much more to come. Subscribe to Little I so you'll be the first to know.



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