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Do Birthdays Matter?

It’s Ishaa’s birthday (yay!) so whilst we’re here, do birthdays really matter?

As a kid, birthdays are amazing. You get special treatment, you get presents, and you get to spend time with your loved ones.

As an adult, is there any point? Yes you can spend time with your people and celebrate, but what is the actual POINT of a birthday?

In literal terms, you commemorate the day you came into this world. So why should other people care, or give you something for that?

Are birthdays just an excuse to be self-centred and garner attention? Perhaps. As someone who had birthdays in the social media age, I can see this: how people rely on the constant attention and validation from others. Posting birthday photos and videos to show what you received or how extravagant your big day was.

The reverse side of this is overthinking absolutely everything to the point where you don’t enjoy it. Being scared to upload a photo or share details because of what others might think.

As I get younger (older), I feel less bothered about my birthday. It’s cool but it’s another day, and a reminder of how old I am. My parents are birthday people so they like to make a fuss and reminisce over childhood memories and past birthday outfits (raising the stakes for the coming years, believe me!).

I think I’m going to see it as a nostalgic day to reflect on the year I’ve had and the person I’ve become.

It’s almost like New Year’s but just for you - the next year of your life is in your hands and you get to control it. There’s a sense of renewed optimism, because yes many things have happened, but just maybe, the best is yet to come for you. And it’s that optimism that keeps us going, that makes us ever so human.

Happy birthday to our author Ishaa at Little I 🎉

A girl posing
Ishaa at her birthday celebrations last year

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